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4. Talk

In a flashback, Mike Ehrmantraut pours concrete for a carport and allows his young son Matty to write his name in it. Mike is revealed to be discussing Matty at a group therapy session with Stacey Ehrmantraut and ends by saying "You wanted me to talk. I talked."

4. Talk

"He was loving being on stage. Loving it a little too much. He'd keep pausing, hoping for audience applause or laughter, and when he got it, he'd stop and say "thank you," milking it for more." The promised substance of the talk never even arrived. "I felt sick to my stomach," Anderson recalls.

Minnesota 4-H is excited to offer 4-H Stock Talks again in 2022. 4-H Stock Talks are virtual animal science presentation experiences for Minnesota 4-H youth. A stock talk is a short video presentation about an animal science topic of your choice (beef, dairy, dog, goat, horse, lama, poultry, rabbit, sheep and swine). Giving a stock talk is an opportunity for you to share your learning with others, practice for livestock demonstrations and for horseless horse or horse related projects. What a great way to step into future learning!

The potential topics for your stock talk are endless! No matter what topic you choose, remember that the most impactful presentations are both accurate and engaging. Be creative, be funny, be serious, just be you! Think about something you learned in your animal science project or something that you enjoy doing and prepare to share it with your peers. The best presentations are focused, timely, to the point and leave a lasting impression. Here are some topic ideas:

Different Ways to Measure InflationThe two primary measures of the price level in the United States are the consumer price index, commonly referred to as the CPI, and the personal consumption expenditures price index, commonly referred to as the PCE price index. Positive changes in these indexes are recorded as inflation. Each inflation measure has both total (or headline) and core subindexes, which I will talk about later. The CPI and PCE price indexes are constructed in broadly similar ways, but there are important differences between them.1 Both indexes measure inflation using a specific basket of goods and services consumed by households. These baskets are similar but not identical across the two measures. Both measures also weight each item in their basket roughly in accordance with its expenditure share. That is, the more households spend on an item, like rent, the higher the weight it receives in the overall index. The weights are broadly similar across the two indexes, but, again, there are some important differences.

Now, let's talk in more detail about the differences between the CPI and the PCE price indexes. First, the PCE price index has a broader scope than the CPI. The CPI is limited to expenditures that households pay out of pocket, while the PCE price index covers a broader set of goods and services as it seeks to cover prices for all consumer expenditures in the national income and product accounts (NIPA). For example, the PCE price index includes prices of the health services provided to households through Medicaid, while the CPI excludes these items.

Benefits of Price Stability and a Target of 2 PercentSo far, I've talked about how to measure inflation, about different subcomponents, and about drivers of inflation. I will now discuss the benefits of price stability and a longer-run 2 percent inflation rate target.

If you have not talked with the parent, think about how you might have that conversation. How do you need to prepare? What resources will you gather to provide to the parent(s)? Who else at your center will you include in the conversation? What suggestions will you give the parent(s)? Use the information in this module to help you.

Metadata, often described as everything except the content of your communications, has less legal protections but can be incredibly revealing. From a list of who somebody talks to and when, much can be inferred!The Electronic Frontier Foundation explains it well on their site.

Reading books, singing, playing word games, asking questions, and talking to your kids will help increase vocabulary and improve their listening skills. Here some ways you can help boost communication:

Positive thinking often starts with self-talk. Self-talk is the endless stream of unspoken thoughts that run through your head. These automatic thoughts can be positive or negative. Some of your self-talk comes from logic and reason. Other self-talk may arise from misconceptions that you create because of lack of information or expectations due to preconceived ideas of what may happen.

If you tend to have a negative outlook, don't expect to become an optimist overnight. But with practice, eventually your self-talk will contain less self-criticism and more self-acceptance. You may also become less critical of the world around you.

Burns (1998) distinguishes between two different types of talk as transaction. The first type involves situations where the focus is on giving and receiving information and where the participants focus primarily on what is said or achieved (e.g., asking someone for directions). Accuracy may not be a priority, as long as information is successfully communicated or understood.

By age 3, your child will probably have words for almost everything. And by age 4, he'll talk in sentences using five or more words, though his vocabulary will vary widely. He'll also be able to answer simple questions and mimic adult sounds well enough for most strangers to understand him.

A preschooler's speech is usually fluid and he can talk easily without repeating words, though he may still mispronounce some of them. At this age, he should be able to understand a two- or three-part directive, such as "Pick up the paper, fold it in half, and then bring it to me."

Does it seem as if your child is talking nonstop? This chatty stage is crucial to learning new words and getting comfortable using them. A good grasp of language allows your child to express feelings, needs, and desires. And as his speech gets more sophisticated and he understands more words, he'll have more tools for thinking, telling stories, and talking with others.

Some experts speculate that children may regress before learning a new skill to give their brain a rest before making a big leap forward. You may notice your child stutters more when she's tired, excited, or upset. Most kids outgrow it without intervention by age 5, but if you notice it gets worse talk to your child's doctor sooner than later.

Likewise, simply talking with your child helps. Many parents find mealtimes and bedtime are a great opportunity to touch base. These may be the only pauses in a busy day when you have a chance to chat with and really listen to your kids.

If your child doesn't talk, says few words, and doesn't seem interested in communicating or expressing her feelings, seek help. A child who pauses frequently, constantly struggles to get words out, or simply gives up and says "never mind" a lot is also letting you know something is wrong.

Early intervention is critical when your child has a speech, hearing, language, or developmental problem that affects her ability to communicate. In each of these cases, talk with your child's doctor and with her teacher if she's in preschool.

The 2022 Maine 4-H Public Speaking Tournament was the first-ever hybrid edition, with seven virtual presentations, two in-person demonstrations, and 18 in-person illustrated talks on a wide range of topics including beekeeping, how to make slime, why we smile, and equine dentistry. A new category of competition, impromptu or extemporaneous speech, also was introduced this year. For this part of the competition, participants chose a topic at random and were given three minutes to develop an outline, jotting notes on one blank notecard, for a three- to five-minute speech. Though certainly a challenge, this new category was a hit with the many participants who gave it a try and with the audience. All involved expressed a desire to continue this opportunity in the future, which will eventually lead to official scoring.

For more information about 4-H Public Speaking, including guidelines and evaluation sheets, upcoming event information, and resources to assist you in planning your demonstration or illustrated talk, contact Sheila Norman at 207.942.7396 or You may also contact your local UMaine Extension county office for information about 4-H Public Speaking in your county.

Your grandmother probably remembers how the doctor used to make house calls, or how she could go into the office and talk to him (and in those days, it probably was a him) without an appointment. But the pace of modern medical care has changed that dynamic.

Children who have trouble understanding what others say (receptive language) or difficulty sharing their thoughts (expressive language) may have a language disorder. Developmental language disorder (DLD) is a language disorder that delays the mastery of language skills. Some children with DLD may not begin to talk until their third or fourth year.

Children who have trouble producing speech sounds correctly or who hesitate or stutter when talking may have a speech disorder. Apraxia of speech is a speech disorder that makes it difficult to put sounds and syllables together in the correct order to form words.

Speech is talking, which is one way to express language. It involves the precisely coordinated muscle actions of the tongue, lips, jaw, and vocal tract to produce the recognizable sounds that make up language.

The episode opens in a flashback to the 1970s, as a young boy watches his father pour cement in his driveway. The father allows the boy to sign his name in the wet cement, revealing them to be Mike and his son Matt, respectively. The scene abruptly cuts to Mike at Stacey's support group, which has apparently been stunned into silence. He coldly states, "You wanted me to talk. I talked." 041b061a72


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